Next up in the value of graphic recording series is PROPER GRAPHIC RECORDING APPLICATION
Your ROI is a visual note-taker who…
Understands the opportunities to utilize graphic recording in an agenda and in what shape it takes. Believe it or not, it’s not straight forward and could make or break the overall experience of attendees.
1. First and foremost, I start by understanding your meeting purpose and objectives. What are we here to do and with whom are we here to do it? Here, I have a fictional meeting where the existing and new executive leadership teams come together after a merger.
2. Next, we go through each line item in your agenda and understand how each section of the agenda maps to the overall meeting objectives. This is critical, because we can ensure that the right questions are answered during large group debriefs by knowing what each section is meant to accomplish. Oftentimes there is a gap between the intent and final product without this discussion…There is value, not only in the graphic recording product, but in the exploration and iteration of what we want to ultimately see in that final product.
We work together and understand where in the agenda/what should be captured. Looking at our fictitious example for day 2, we know that we want to capture the pivot conversation. We know that we want to ask / find answers to record the following, "What is the ELT's role in the merger? What are the obvious gaps and redundancies when merging? What are the bodies of work that need to be done to meet the rest of our meeting objectives?"
I always tell clients that I cannot record what isn’t asked and said…so if you want to know what the elephant in the room is, ask!
This brings me to 3. What shape does the visual note-taking take? For those participants that do not feel comfortable verbalizing this, we can create an engagement board with questions you’d like answers to and let participants visit with post-its to anonymously respond. Here in our fictitious example, we might hear that there are sensitive hards truths like "lay-offs, budget cuts, changes in power dynamics, etc." Additionally, you can send out a poll and/or follow up survey. This is how we can get to the proper application of graphic recording so that It is most effective and useful per each section of the agenda.
If we work with an engagement wall and everyone uses sticky notes to pass to the graphic recorder You’ll be surprised by how many of the comments will be related to one another and participants will see their pain points visualized… a graphic recording can help you dig into the best formats for capture to ensure inclusivity. The value of people’s voices being heard and validated cannot be understated and graphic recording is an artifact of that.
I can work in an analog traditional sense, with foam or paper and markers.
I can work digitally on my iPad and project to a TV or projector screens. This can be done a. cafe-style at an expo where I solicit answers to prompt questions and you see the answers digitally captured on a TV screen. b. off-line in a large group setting or c. on-line in a large group setting where the image is projected to screens. It's up to you to choose and when you work with me I will ensure the proper application of graphic recording!